
Not For Profit


Do it for love and not for profit.

We partnered with Columbus Fashion Alliance, a non-profit organization that connects Columbus' fashion industry with the community, to help create a brand identity for an eight week program where interns learned about the complex fashion industry from industry wave-makers that look like they do.

Our challenge was to create an authentic brand identity that spoke directly to their mission and vision of this program. The result was a clean, simple, no-frills brand that served as a unique identity for the interns to learn from and build on.

"We stripped away everything but the essentials to show a bold, elevated view of the brand and what they represented at a glance, but purposeful in every detail."

The minimalistic, striking logo and typeface served as key brand identifiers representing the organization's purpose-driven position to help young Black men become the movers and shakers of their futures through a young, energetic, fashion-centric program.

Our Role
Visual Identity Systems
Brand Toolkit
Go-To-Market Assets
Creative Direction